The Case For God

This is the logical case for the existence of God and further that He is the God described in the Bible It is based on what is generally accepted and known to be true about our existence.  It demonstrates that belief in God is not irrational in fact the opposite is more likely true.


  1. Almost everyone agrees we have sufficient evidence that the universe had a beginning.

  2. Since it had a beginning it had a cause.

  3. The cause would be beyond time, space, and material and would therefore be infinite, spiritual, powerful and intelligent.

  4. Since the cause had to have made a decision to create, He is personal. We now have sufficient evidence to call Him God.

  5. Since He created the universe, He can act in it whenever He pleases, so miracles are possible.

  6. Since He created us to communicate, He can communicate and we find it unlikely that He wouldn’t, since otherwise we could not know about ourselves.

  7. He is identical to the God of the Bible.