Finding Fulfillment in Life, Significance and Love

We find ourselves alone, in a broken world that does not deliver what we need. We feel that there has to be a better life. We wrongly seek it through self, because without God there is no other choice.

In Seeking Fulfillment Through Self Effort

in achievement, power, goodness, relationships, pleasure, and self-satisfaction

We Become Destructive

to ourselves and others as people and things get in our way or fail to please us.

And We Are Separated From God

because God protects us from His cleansing power by not allowing destructive mankind to physically approach Him or Heaven. Death and destruction are confined to this world.

But God Is The Source Of Life, Significance, and Love

We require the input of God’s power in love but in our destructive state we cannot approach Him to get it. We need a way through this problem.

So Jesus Came To Rescue Us From That Which Destroys

by conquering death and destruction, and transforming us to His image. We can then approach God, receive the power of love through Jesus and break the cycle of destruction.

If We Refuse His Rescue We Remain In Destruction

The final separation and destruction of our life arises in this world out of man’s commitment to the things that destroy and rejection of the rescue by Jesus.

We Need Life With Jesus

If we agree, and it may take time, we need to pray to be included in the fellowship of Jesus by agreeing to replace our attempt at self-fulfillment with the fulfillment found in a continual relationship with Him.