How To Know It Is True

  • The Case For God

    This is the logical case for the existence of God and further that He is the God described in the Bible It is based on what is generally accepted and known to be true about our existence.  It demonstrates that belief in God is not irrational in fact the opposite is more likely true.  

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  • The Case For Christianity

    We demonstrate in this argument that there is sufficient evidence to claim that Christianity is true.  This begins with the historical evidence for Jesus, and it then demonstrates His divinity.  And then on the basis of His being God the case for the Bible.                          

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  • The Case For Creation

    This case makes a few of what are hundreds of evidences against the generation of a life supporting planet, the spontaneous generation of life, and the evolution of one species from another species.   It finishes with the fact that we are ought to know that we are not simply material.        

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