The Case For Creation

This case makes a few of what are hundreds of evidences against the generation of a life supporting planet, the spontaneous generation of life, and the evolution of one species from another species.   It finishes with the fact that we are ought to know that we are not simply material.                                  .

  1. The theory of evolution is only an explanation of the material universe based on the philosophy that material is eternal.

  2. Since the universe had to have been created, the explanation is not needed.

  3. The fine tuning of the universe proves that the universe could not have occurred by chance.

  4. The spontaneous generation of life from non-life is chemically impossible.

  5. Forming any new species through random DNA damage is mathematically impossible.

  6. There is no irrefutable evidence for evolution.

  7. If we are only material we cannot claim to have self-awareness, moral values, choice or love.

  8. Since we are created, our possibilities for purpose, relationship and ultimate resolution are real.