April 2015

  • 4 Problem: Our Need For Jesus

    In seeking fulfillment through self-effort, we became destructive and separated from God. However, God is the source of life, significance, and love. We need the input of God’s power in love. It comes from God directly to us. We can only receive this power in a walk with Jesus but in our natural state, we

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  • 5 The Rescue By Jesus

    In seeking fulfillment through self-effort, we become destructive and we are separated from God; but God is the source of life, significance and love. There is a problem here. If we do not understand this problem, we will never understand this life. The problem is that we cannot live without God, but we also cannot

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  • 6 How Evil IS Created and Man Chooses Hell

    In seeking fulfillment through self-effort, we become destructive and we are separated from God.  But God is the source of life, significance, and love.  Our problem is that as destructive beings we do not have, in any natural way, an access to God to get what we need for life with Him.  We need something

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  • 7 We Need Life With Jesus

    The decision to walk with Jesus is the biggest life decision we can ever make.  It means giving up every aspect of life that is a living rebellion against God.  It requires a careful decision.  We in Rescued For Love would rather you take weeks or even months of study and prayer before making the

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  • 7B My Life With Jesus

    I know that fulfillment is found only in the presence of God. It was not until I learned to offer up to God my self-centeredness, self-serving, self-provisioning, self-governing and my right to myself that I could have a walk with Jesus that put me into the presence of God. I began to trust Jesus and

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