Welcome to the numbered series of blogs. Rescued For Love is an organization whose purpose is to engage in conversations about how to find the joy of fulfillment in life, significance, and love. Our approach to both content and people is different from what you may expect. It is not about a formula, or learned set of steps, or behavior modification. It is not about just believing without sufficient evidence. It is founded on a presentation that is down to earth and grounded in reality.
We respect people just the way they are. We have purposely limited our activity to conversations and study sessions. We listen to you and take an interest in you. We believe we have an answer found in a relationship with Jesus. You are free to reject the answer and still be our friend. We welcome opposition because it makes us better. We have more to learn and new ideas help. We do not judge; we do not criticize; we do not ask you to change.
We believe that the effectiveness of human life is about relationships. Moreover, relationships require moral behavior, but we do not impose our morality on the people we meet. It is love and not coercion that is the effective source of relationship building morals. We speak openly and honestly about what we believe is the source, content, and purpose of morality, and we welcome all discussion on these points. You will see in these blogs that we do not think that morality is the end purpose of life. The end purpose is a relationship with God and morality is a requirement for that relationship, but it is at the same time God’s real and substantial gift to us in love. What God requires He first gives if we are open to Him. God does not expect anyone to make themselves moral to please Him, and He knows that no one can be completely moral without Him. Therefore, God’s plan is neither requirement nor condemnation but rescue. The Bible teaches that every person is a destroyer and will end in utter destruction without the rescue of God. God’s purpose is love; not condemnation.
We disagree with any coalition of Christians who want to control the Government. God was the head of the Hebrew people in the Old Testament, but we believe His role now is in individual hearts, not the government. Christians who follow the Biblical way are not like some religions, that believe that religious law is the governmental law. We are a nation of individuals who exercise their right to determine their government, and we must protect that right in opposition to any group who wants to take control whether they call themselves “Christian” or something else. We must live with what the people want even if they elect another Hitler. Our plan to prevent such an occurrence is to reach individual hearts for the way of love. We are willing to fail, but we are not discouraged.
We believe that there is such a thing as truth even though that is a concept that is going out of vogue. The prevailing Post-Modern philosophy would be against absolute truth as a reaction against modernistic thinking. A feature of this philosophy is the concept of tolerance which to the post-modernist means that everyone’s idea is true even if they are contrary or contradictory. This goes against logic. We believe that tolerance is allowing others to believe what they believe and still finding them to be interesting companions. The fact that people do not agree is what makes interesting conversation and we welcome disagreement. Everyone deep down believes in truth. Disagreement is based on the belief that something is true. For instance, Post-Modernism is based on the rejection of Modernism.
The reason that we can have a discussion is because we believe that what is true should be supported with good thinking and good evidence. We do not base beliefs on mere authority or emotional appeals. We respect those positions, but they usually stop discussion. There are three tests for any idea that has a chance to be true. It should be logically consistent, obeying the classic rules of logic. Next, it should be consistent with reality. For instance, a belief that the physical world does not exist does not pass this test. Moreover, finally, it should have practical personal value. In other words, it should work out in our lives. If we assume these tests, we have a rich ground for a discussion.
Much of the problem with evangelical, Bible-believing, cross-centered Christianity is a misunderstanding of sin and its solution. Many “Christians” have the idea that all we have to do is say a short prayer and we get a ticket to heaven. Once we get the ticket, then we have to go to church and do a list of things that all Christians do and, for goodness’ sake, do not sin anymore. By putting the burden on us to solve the sin problem, they create pride that results in judgment and condemnation and works counter to the love of God in Jesus. The prideful Christian, who has no outward sin, becomes destructive.
Our approach is to propose a framework for understanding the advantages of an on-going relationship with Jesus. The numbered blogs give some detail and reasons for our position. We want to see you rescued from the things that destroy in this life, and we want to see you enjoy life to its fullest. Our method is presentation and conversation. We expect that it will take time, thought and conversation for someone to come to Jesus. We will not pressure, and we are content to be a friend of everybody no matter what they decide.
The numbered blogs that follow explain the seven points in our flyer and the “Significance And Love” page of this blog. Blog 1 introduces fulfillment and shows how we fail to find it. Blog 2 shows how our efforts to find fulfillment cause us to be destructive. Blog 3 explains how we and God are separated. Blog 4 explains that despite the separation, we need the input of God’s love to find fulfillment. Blog 5 explains how Jesus rescues us from destruction and restores us to a relationship with God so that we can find fulfillment by His input of power in love. Blog 6 discusses what happens to us ultimately if we refuse the rescue and choose a life of destruction instead. Blog 7 discusses our need for Jesus and how we can come into a rescuing relationship with Him. Blog 7a is a personal story of the life transformation that is available to everyone in Jesus.
Enjoy these blogs and please continue the conversation with us.